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Discussion in 'General Programming Topics' started by Joshua39, Jun 18, 2017.

  1. Joshua39

    Joshua39 Active Member

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    I had a severe concussion and was given hydrochlorothiazide, after toradol and something else wouldn't offer any relief. talk about a miracle. once it kicked in my headache was gone! one pill every 4 hours, but with my injury it seemed to wear off in about 3 hours and unfortunately it takes an hour plus to start working. i did sleep after each pill so maybe i'm just immune to the caffeine. love this medicine, just wish it worked faster and lasted longer.
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    I was opiate dependent for almost 6 years. six years of my life that i hardly remember because i was in a cloud of oxycontin and other heroin like prescription drugs. about 6 months ago i was introduced to the hydrochlorothiazide program and ever since that day ive had my life back. i used to steal, lie and do whatever it took to get a fix. i lost my family, friendships, jobs, cars, everything. now over the last six months ive turned into a different person, the person i was before taking drugs. i would recommend hydrochlorothiazide for anyone who is dependent on pain killers. i would also however, recommend seeking counseling along with it to prevent any relapsing. by leonel from vinson, ok
    I've been given this medicine twice - once for serious bronchitis/pneumonia that nearly required hospitialization. since i am a well trained athlete, hospitalization for a lung infection was serious. doctors tried several other drugs before the hydrochlorothiazide, but hydrochlorothiazide was best. now dealing with a relatively minor bronchitis and have it again. i've never had any of the side effects others listed - bear in mind that weakness and headaches and many other symptoms might just be the progression of the disease and not due to the drug. it's hard to tell since each bout is different but compared to many other drugs, this is statistically a ...

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